The Best Camera ...
The best camera...? Is the one you have with you.
We have had a glorious week of perfect fall weather where we have a house on the Oregon coast. When driving to a dinner location we happened onto a fantastic sunset at Haystack Rock (the one at Pacific City, Oregon). The sun was about to set through the "keyhole" on the rock. Timing was critical... Stop the car ...
Oh crap! I left the camera gear back at the house!. Oh wait! Here's the old S90. The Canon S90 is a compact camera I used for about five years. It shoots RAW image format, but with 10mp sensor. It got replaced by a another camera with more features and shoots with a 20mp sensor. So, the old S90 was relegated to status of "emergency backup" and is kept on a on "go to cubby" in the Prius. It was, by definition, the best camera I had for this shot.
Canon PowerShot S90, f/4 @ 12.85 mm, 1/250, ISO 80, No Flash
© Ed Ruttledge