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Visitors 98
Modified 12-Sep-24
Created 2-Jan-21
26 photos

On the afternoon of January 1, 2021 Trump supporters gathered on the Capitol Mall of the Oregon State Capitol in Salem, Oregon to speak out on an array of grievances… Abortion. Masks. The media. The election results. Godless Libruhls. Even photographers were called out by one of the speakers. The assembled panoply of characters included families, small-time grifter politicians, tent preachers, and a sizeable contingent of heavily armed ProudBoys (Oregon is a “open carry” state). These are the people who care to run our nation ~ and would even presume to do so by decree. Take a look and you decide if they are worthy to rule …
Their HeroBashful PatriotDidn't Get Michael Flynn's Memo ...Hold My BeerComic ReliefNinja EyesThe NRA Welcomes YouLookie All the Stuff I Can Carry!Missed Her Jenny Craig Meetings ...Family PortraitGrifter Politician ...The Mohawk is Still in Style!Look Determined!Damn Phone ...Mixed MessagesTrumpjugendMobilized ForcesIts Not What You Think ...Too Many GadgetsThe Convocation ...

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Guestbook for Trumper Rally - A Photo Collection
Tom Tilque(non-registered)
Yes, Ed, we do have a diverse assortment of folks here in Oregon.
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