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Visitors 66
Modified 5-May-24
Created 22-Oct-11
35 photos

Lured by an great travel package price, I traveled with my brother and sister-in-law to Iceland in October 2011. My spouse, Lynnae, flew in from DC to join us for a five day visit. We found the island-nation to be interesting with stark scenery and friendly people. This gallery contains 35 images selected to show a bit of our experience and the unique landscapes of Iceland.

Hint - If you go to the upper right of the screen, you can hit a "button" for "slideshow." The gallery images will then load and scroll automatically.
Reykjavik LongboatSolheimajokull GlacierSeljalandsfossFarm Scene # 1Volcanoes and MossRoad to PingvellirPlate TectonicsMountain Scene # 1Mountain Scene # 2Icelandic HorseGullfossHot SpringBorganesAbandoned WarehouseJumping Gnome?Sea and MaskBridge CrossingHvita RiverGathering CloudsModernistic Church

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